How to Build a Gangsheet
Create a Gang Sheets with Ease
- Premium Printing Materials: Utilizing top-quality inks, film, and TPU powder, we guarantee vibrant whites and colors on garments of any type, material, color, or stretchiness.
- Durability and Stretchability: Our advanced process and materials not only enhance durability but also ensure optimal stretchability, enduring even the toughest wash tests.
- Professional Design Review: Every order undergoes meticulous scrutiny by our team of professional designers to ensure proper and optimized printing.
- Attention to Detail: Every order is treated with the utmost care and attention, ensuring the final product reflects our commitment to quality.
Initiate the Process
Click on ‘Build Your Gang Sheet’ to start customization. You’ll seamlessly transition to our business solution partner’s website.
Choose a Gangsheet Size
choose the size of the gang sheet you intend to create. Once the size is selected, click ‘Set’ to begin crafting your personalized gang sheet.
Upload and Edit
In the gang sheet builder, effortlessly upload images directly from your phone or desktop/laptop. Resize images, add text using the TEXT functionality and even alter the color of solid images through the app.
Background Removal
Once your gang is meticulously crafted, with backgrounds removed as needed, follow the provided instructions to confirm the gang sheet-building process.
Return to Our Website
You’ll be directed back to our website, where you can choose the corresponding size of the gang sheet you’ve just created and easily ‘Add to Cart.’ Repeat this process for as many gang sheets as required.
Quality Assurance
The precision and quality of the transfer depend on the images you upload. We thrive on printing high-resolution, vivid, and vibrant projects, ensuring your designs come to life as intended.